Office Accessories


With a multitude of surge protectors, glowing computer screens, and treadmill desks, the modern office is, well, modern. Modern is good, but we still like having a bit of personality around us while we work…


Unless you work in a wood cabin, your office could probably use a bit of an outdoor upgrade. Bringing some of these woodsy products into your workspace will give co-workers the idea that you’re the…


Cinder blocks may have fallen out of favor with everyone but the mob due to advances in building materials, but they’re still iconic. These Cinder Block Magnets (made of real cement!) can be used to…


PC users can let crumbs fall between keys on on their keyboard and leave greasy thumbprints on their screen all they want, Mac users care about appearance. Okay, before all you PC users jump through your…


There’s something about an industrial setting that just inspires you to work your tail off even if you aren’t covered in grease. We can’t promise your productivity will skyrocket by decking your office space out…


Normally hearing the term “inbox” gives us a slight anxiety attack. We think of all the emails we’ve put off responding to that are now buried in a pile of spam trying to sell us “enhancement”…


The latest in a long line of “why didn’t I think of that” products is something so simple and ingenious it’s amazing it didn’t already exist – custom packing tape. In the case of this…

Gom Series Pen Tray

You’ll hardly seem like the cool and collected guy we know you to be if you’re always clanging around your desk looking for a pen. And considering that looking organized at the office could be…


An ergonomic workstation keeps you comfortable and productive all day (and when you’re working for yourself writing for a cool men’s blog you suddenly care much more about your productivity). PhD Dan Steingart came up…