At first glance, especially with a name like OJAS attached, you might think this is just an external speaker. While that kind of assumption wouldn’t be wrong, the true purpose is so much more involved. In addition to delivering high-quality audio through the contrasting color horn, the Olfactive Stéréophonique also pumps scents into the world around itself to take everyone within its radius on a voyage that will leave them transformed. The experimental and revolutionary fragrance diffuser collaboration leverages speaker design theory and fragrance science to practically “evoke the meditative effects of ritualistic practice and enhance a listening space.” We won’t deny the fact that that all sounds like a bit of nonsense, but honestly, after having spent a couple hours trying it out, those modern witch doctors might be on to something. Is this kind of experience going to make you test better on your next physical with a real doctor? Probably not. Will the tests, trials, and tribulations–placebo effect or otherwise–make you feel better? Maybe. Even if it’s all in your head, isn’t it worth exploring?