It’s hard to wrap your brain around the fact that the most famous skateboarder in the world is now 52 years old. The fact that Tony Hawk is easily the most influential skateboarder in the…
It’s hard to wrap your brain around the fact that the most famous skateboarder in the world is now 52 years old. The fact that Tony Hawk is easily the most influential skateboarder in the…
Daniel Keogh is a self-taught illustrator out of Bendigo, Australia that creates ‘Where’s Waldo’ style pictures that combine all aspects of the Internet into single pieces that are as fun and engaging as they are…
It’s been said on more than one occasion that creative people have brains that are just wired differently. The most famous of them–we’re talking Mozart, Beethoven, Picasso, Kant, Franklin, Murakami, etc.–still had routines, but they’re…
When people think about newsletters, their first instinct is to usually groan at the idea of some company whose email they regretfully signed up for years ago spamming them about discounts, or giving them unsolicited…
Even if you live in a major city with solid menswear stores within blocks of your apartment, you still can’t beat the convenience of shopping online. The problem is finding online boutiques that stock stuff…
There’s an overwhelming sense of masculinity behind Mattis Dovier’s little GIFs. From sexy ladies to explosions and middle fingers, the little pieces of art will get your testosterone going in 3-second spurts.
We’re constantly talking about what we should post on Cool Material so you always enjoy stopping by. And while we like to think we do a pretty good job at it, we always like to hear…
Generally, GIFs are not found outside multi-thread e-mail responses and Facebook posts, but the format is capable of so much more in the right hands. UK artist INSA has been bounding around the globe making…
If this post does really well, we’re looking at you, Colorado. David Dope creates these very simple yet very mesmerizing little Gifs for your brain’s pleasure. He updates his Tumblr with things that he finds…
Take a break from looking for random naked people on Google Maps and take a little virtual tour of the Lamborghini Museum in Italy. Google Street View lets you see the rides, and snoop around…
Instagram is easily the coolest thing to happen to iPhone since IPhone, and Android since, well, ever. Once they finally rolled out the Android client, the only real issue was the fact that their website…
We know we took some shots at Instagram in this previous post, but to quote the well-known philosopher, Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog, “We kid, we kid.” The truth is, we enjoy using Instagram. Now that…
Drinkify is a website that tells you the perfect drink to enjoy with whatever band or artist you happen to be listening to. When we first stumbled upon it all we could think was that, that…
Towards the end of last year, I found myself up against an article deadline for this website while a few cocktails deep. This is not a great place to be, because a) you’re short on…
Too often the time on our Friday nights is spent debating on where to go only to end up going to the same bar as ever other Friday night. Sure it’s cool to get to know…
World records are usually spoken of in terms of the professional athlete, with time, distance, speed and strength being the facto units of measurement. But as any Guinness representative will
When was the last time you memorized a cell phone number? Put a picture in a photo album? Created a real, physical invitation for a party? Thanks to Facebook, we don’t have to deal with…
We turn to Google for a lot of our online needs – email, maps of backyards and at times because we’re feeling lucky. Now, from the company that offers its employees free haircuts (probably not…
Any Black Book worth it’s salt is updated on a continual basis and ours is no different. Instead of adding phone numbers or debts, we’re adding web addresses and places to shop. Check out The…
We encounter dangers on a daily basis. Some are easy to avoid—we’ll pass on the money from the Prince of Nigeria—others are not. We’ll assume you can handle a verbal attack from a crazy ex and an attack on your head following a night of Tanqueray