
Whether at home or on-the-go, when it comes to vaporizers, we want it all. We want to be able to use full flower or potent concentrates depending on the mood--and keep it smooth without any harsh smoke. We want multiple modes for unique combinations of flavor and vapor. We want an oven that's as easy to clean as it is adjustable depending on the length of the session. Sounds impossible, right? It's not with PAX Plus. In addition to packing all those features into one perfectly portable device, it's also one the most

Notebooks come in handy for all kinds of things—like making to-do lists or remembering brilliant ideas—but they’re also convenient for jotting down phone numbers. Sometimes it’s just a lot quicker and easier to pull out…


It’s no surprise that your wallet comes out of the holidays looking like Rocky after a fight with Ivan Drago. The damn thing takes a beating with all the cash you’re dropping on gifts. While…


Incorporating some skulls into your décor and wardrobe can be risky. Done right, it adds a hint of danger, manliness and a “Don’t F with me” attitude to your life. Overdone, however, and suddenly you’re…


As guys, we have a hard enough time picking out a gift that’s not something we discretely want for ourselves let alone a card that displays our “emotions.” Instead of giving some canned card with a…


Any Black Book worth it’s salt is updated on a continual basis and ours is no different. Instead of adding phone numbers or debts, we’re adding web addresses and places to shop. Check out The…


As guys, we don’t know the first thing about presenting a gift.  We usually load up on Dollar Store gift bags, jam a few pieces of crumpled up tissue paper in there along with the…


Here’s a little secret:  No guy likes Valentine’s Day.  Some will say they think it’s sweet or they like to show their wife/girlfriend how much they mean, well you know what – bullshit.  With all…


“Icon” is not a term we toss around lightly.  To get labeled as such you’re going to have to have an edge about you, a standout-ness.  That’s why, while there are many kick-ass dudes we…

Douchebag Citation

We all know them, and unfortunately we all encounter them on an all-too-frequent basis. Douchebags.  No, not literal douchebags…if you’re encountering the actual feminine hygiene product frequently, you are either a gynecologist or a creep. We’re talking about the turds…