Boston Dynamics has been making incredibly impressive robots that like Handle and Spot (the Robot Dog) that can handle menial tasks while still terrifying the general public about the future with Skynet type scenarios. Atlas is by far the most capable of the machines, but in a 2020 twist that will only be eclipsed by Twisted Tea, Boston Dynamics set up all their robots to dance in a coordinated routine set to The Contours’ “Do You Love Me.” Honestly, it’s as equally heart-warming as it is terrifying because if we can teach them to do this, we’re all probably doomed in the long run. But until the inevitable downfall of the human race comes to pass, we’re sure to have a lot of great robot dancing content to watch on YouTube. If anything, it’s just further proof that we can all learn those sweet dance moves ourselves.


Whether at home or on-the-go, when it comes to vaporizers, we want it all. We want to be able to use full flower or potent concentrates depending on the mood–and keep it smooth without any harsh smoke. We want multiple modes for unique combinations of flavor and vapor. We want an oven that’s as easy to clean as it is adjustable depending on the length of the session. Sounds impossible, right? It’s not with PAX Plus. In addition to packing all those features into one perfectly portable device, it’s also one the most sleek and stylish products that’s come out recently.