Mike Newman

Whether at home or on-the-go, when it comes to vaporizers, we want it all. We want to be able to use full flower or potent concentrates depending on the mood--and keep it smooth without any harsh smoke. We want multiple modes for unique combinations of flavor and vapor. We want an oven that's as easy to clean as it is adjustable depending on the length of the session. Sounds impossible, right? It's not with PAX Plus. In addition to packing all those features into one perfectly portable device, it's also one the most

Pouring the good stuff into your standard tumbler isn’t doing it justice. How about a whiskey glass with as much personality as that fine bottle you only break out on special occasions? Something like these…


No, you haven’t had too much bourbon; these whiskey glasses really do look like this. While the Melted Whiskey Glass looks like it was pulled out of the kiln a bit too early, it’s actually…