Whether at home or on-the-go, when it comes to vaporizers, we want it all. We want to be able to use full flower or potent concentrates depending on the mood--and keep it smooth without any harsh smoke. We want multiple modes for unique combinations of flavor and vapor. We want an oven that's as easy to clean as it is adjustable depending on the length of the session. Sounds impossible, right? It's not with PAX Plus. In addition to packing all those features into one perfectly portable device, it's also one the most

Every Friday we’ll get you hooked up with some solid weekend plans. These are the things we think you should watch, read or do over the next few days.


Just when you thought Chevy was out of ideas for the Corvette (mid-engined 8th-gen), they pull a fast one and build a friggin’ hybrid. The E-Ray still has a booming 6.2-liter V8 engine, but this…


The web is a vast place best explored with a little guidance. Every day we curate a small collection of links worthy of your time, meaning you can skip the wandering and get right to…


We’ve done our fair share of snowmobiling, but the MoonBikes’ electric snowbike seems far more attractive. Not only is it smaller, but the MoonBike is also nimbler thanks to the fact that its three times…


A quality lounge chair can bring together an entire interior decor aesthetic. So, you can understand why we’re head over heels for the newly released Leather Sling Chair from Parachute. With a minimalist design, the…


The web is a vast place best explored with a little guidance. Every day we curate a small collection of links worthy of your time, meaning you can skip the wandering and get right to…