A teaser trailer for the highly anticipated fourth installment in The Matrix film series finally hit the internet on September 7th. Unlike standard movie releases, The Matrix Resurrections follows in the unique marketing of its predecessors by debuting clips of the film via whatisthematrix.com. Here, you can choose to take either the red pill or the blue pill. Take the red pill and you’ll be greeted by narration from actor Yahya Abdul-Mateen II explaining the world of the Matrix. Take the blue pill, and you’ll hear from Neil Patrick Harris who seems to dismiss the reality of the Matrix. Both narrations are intercut with a series of clips from the movie (you can click through a few times to see a variety of clips/scenes) and both will tell you what time it is when you’re watching. Spliced together versions of the teasers have already started popping up on YouTube but we love the creative marketing by offering viewers the “choose-you-own-adventure” style of teaser trailer. A full trailer for The Matrix 4 Resurrections will premier on Thursday, September 9th and the film is set to release in December 2021.


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